Five-time former Punjab chief minister and Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) patriarch Parkash Singh Badal passed away on Tuesday. He was 95. Badal was admitted at a hospital in Mohali more than a week ago after he complained of uneasiness while breathing. Badal passed away at around 8 pm on April 25. The hospital issued a medical bulletin shortly afterwards in which it said, "Despite appropriate medical management S Parkash Singh Badal succumbed to his illness. Fortis Hospital Mohali deeply condoles the death of S Parkash Singh Badal." Parkash Singh Badal served as the Chief Minister of Punjab five times. He was the chief minister from 1970-1971, from 1977-1980, from 1997-2002, and from 2007-2017 (two consecutive terms). He was also the youngest Chief Minister to have ever hold office in the state of Punjab.
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